Friday, July 19, 2019

The Hindu Theatre Fest, Bangalore 2018

It started on August 17, 2018, with a selection of three exclusive plays, the first of which was “Aurat, Aurat, Aurat" directed by Naseeruddin Shah. 

The place was abuzz with excitement, expectations high from the director and actors’ game, and with big names like The Hindu providing the platform.

Aurat, Aurat, Aurat: The play was on a very commonplace topic. One that’s been beaten black and blue across various mediums. Though still relevant after two odd generations of war against it, it’s still a little too mundane.

In the presentation of the subject, the story of Ismat Chughtai was good, though the dialogues were verbose. The brilliant acting added a little merriment and lightened up the otherwise beaten topic.  

Most importantly, it was predominantly an Urdu play, not one of the common Hindi spoken and oft-familiar language. So it is very likely that many in the audience would have missed the nuances of the story, that were presented is such a lovely jovial way by the actors.

The other two, much to the delight of all were lighter, and more easily enjoyable plays by women directors, with convenient subtitles cast high up on the stage backdrop which allowed for ease of watching the acting and occasionally catching up with the essence of the repartee. The language barrier was overcome, and so casually.  

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